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Denmark prepares to deport Ugandan lesbians

Mon 25 Jul 2016 In: International News View at Wayback

Denmark is deporting three lesbian Ugandan women after denying their requests for asylum.   Editor of the Ugandan publication “Rolling Stone” which published the names and photos of 14 LGBTI Ugandan people believed to be gay in an attempt to create backlash against them. Photo by Marc Hofer/AFP/Getty Images The women, who are being held in a detention centre awaiting deportation, have been denied asylum because authorities say the accounts they have given appear to have inconsistencies. The Danish government has been criticised by LGBT Asylum who say that the situation in Uganda for LGBTI people is dangerous and that the women’s sexuality was not considered when the decision to deport them was. Spokeswoman Hanne Gyberg says “Homosexuals risk persecution from other civilians, their families and clan members as well as blackmail and assault. Homosexuals cannot expect police protection if they are attacked, threatened or killed. “We believe that the decisions in their asylum cases were made based upon an incorrect foundation. Their sexuality was not considered in the rejections [and] we believe the Danish authorities should look at the cases again.” The women have appealed this decision once and will have one more opportunity to do so before they are deported on 2 August.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 25th July 2016 - 3:07pm

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