FBI investigators say there is still no actual evidence that the gunman who gunned down patrons of an Orlando gay nightclub killing 49 was himself gay. A Swat team closes in on the scene of the massacre A number of patrons claimed they had seen him socialising at the nightclub over a considerable period prior to the attack. Several thought they had chatted with him through a gay dating app and another man said he had had a sexual relationship with the gunman. However, the FBI says there is no evidence that any of these claims is true and their investigations are showing he was cheating on his wife with other women. A medical examiner says tests on the gunman's body showed results with consistent and long-term steroid use. Such use of steroids can trigger extremely aggressive behaviour, known in sporting and bodybuilding circles as 'roid rage. Meanwhile, investigators of the tragedy have now handed the club back to its owner, a women who lost her gay brother to HIV/AIDS several decades ago.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 17th July 2016 - 8:03pm