As we head into the 30th anniversary of Homosexual Law Reform a few examples of the rancour that spewed forth from the anti-reform campaigners have caught our eye. The clippings we feature come from the pages of the NZ Herald's reporting of the campaign's for and against the bill which eventually decriminalised gay and bi men and also kicked off progress for others in the glbti communities too. To see today's offerings click on the pdf links below. A high-powered Salvation Army battalion turns its weaponry on us with accusations that unfettered gays would in a variety of ways tear down the bastions of society, and recommendations that we be medically treated and submit "to the Lordship of Jesus Christ." No wonder many gay men to this day refuse to donate to this organisation's appeals despite their later apology for unleashing such a barrage of vindictiveness. But even worse is the advert placed by civic worthies Keith (father of local body politician and homo-hater David) Hay and Sir Peter Tait and their acolytes which seized on the emerging tragedy of the deadly HIV/AIDS epidemic in our midst as another weapon with which to try to denigrate and degrade us. Daily News staff - 8th July 2016
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 8th July 2016 - 9:46am