A spokesperson for Helen Clark says she was surprised to see the news that the former Prime Minister would be sending a video message for the Rainbow Gala in Auckland this Saturday and that it seems “very unlikely that this would happen”. Image: Sarah Lee The spokesperson noted that while Helen Clark is a staunch advocate of LGBTI issues, her office has no recollection of agreeing for her to record such a message. Executive member of Rainbow Auckland, Koro Dickinson, told a GayNZ.com Daily News reporter late last week that “Helen Clark, as a long-time supporter of the LGBTIQ community and one of the MPs instrumental in the passing of the Homosexual Law Reform Act in the mid-1980s will deliver a video message from New York to those attending the GALA.” While he expressed that the organising committee are “grateful she could take time out from her busy job as the Administrator of UN Development Programme and her campaign to become the next UN Secretary-General”, the spokesperson for Helen Clark says “Her schedule is extraordinarily full at the moment... it seems very unlikely that this would happen.”
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 4th July 2016 - 2:38pm