Fri 1 Jul 2016 In: Entertainment View at Wayback View at NDHA
Mika Haka is taking over the airwaves and in the next few days you’ll have access to not one but two new shows from the talented performer. Season Two of The Aroha Project is going live on July 1st, created by Mika and directed by Ramon Te Wake, the series follows members of the community who share their experiences around cyber-bullying and cases of suicide. With all episodes being released on TVNZ On Demand at the same time, you’ll be able to ‘binge-watch’ as you please. This season will focus more towards the prevention of bullying and will share a diverse range of stories including that of fashion design student and fierce drag queen, Andrew Abrau, who was shunned by his family and church for coming out as gay. He received support from many friends within the LGBTI communities to prevent suicidal tendencies from clouding his mind. In sharing his story, Abrau unveils that ‘reaching out’ for help was the only thing that saved him. “After receiving supportive reach online,” say the series creators, “we sought out to obtain more stories about our modern-day youth and what their opinions are on bullying and suicide, within NZ. Since cyber-bullying became, how has our generation attempted to combat this issue?” Then, a few days later, after you’ve spent your weekend ‘binge-watching’ The Aroha Project, tuck back up on the couch and dive into PA