The Attorney General of Jamaica, a country with a notoriously homophobic culture where homosexuality is still illegal, has slammed the US embassy there for flying the rainbow flag after the Orlando massacre. Marlene Malahoo Forte 49 patrons of gay nightclub Pulse were killed and dozens injured when a gunman went on a rampage last weekend. The Attorney General of the Commonwealth nation, Marlene Malahoo Forte, said “I strongly condemn [the Orlando Night Club Shooting] but find it disrespectful of Jamaica’s laws to have the Rainbow Flag flown here." She stressed that this is her personal view. Asked by the embassy to explain what the problem was she backtracked a little, saying she is "sworn to uphold and defend the constitution and laws of Jamaica. In both spheres I remain a sincere advocate for fair and proper treatment of everyone. And I will never condone the use of violence to deal with our differences.” “Here in Jamaica we have so much work ahead of us to reorder our society. We need everyone on board. Personally, I respect and celebrate our differences as people and see them as reflective of our humanity."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 18th June 2016 - 12:32am