LGBTI youth organisations are supporting the call for donations to be considered closer to home following the mass shooting in Orlando. Tabby Besley, National Coordinator of InsideOUT says “The support for the victims and families in the Orlando shooting has raised over three million US dollars, so it seems appropriate now for people to look at supporting causes closer to home, where their donations may go a little further.” “I agree that people should consider donating locally, as well as donating overseas,” says Executive Director of RainbowYOUTH Duncan Matthews. “When people are choosing to donate in the wake of a tragedy such as what happened earlier this week in Orlando, they should consider what they would like their money to go towards achieving. “There are many, many worthy causes both here and overseas.” “If you would like to directly support those immediately affected by the massacre, that is excellent and I encourage people to do so. There are charities set up for similar purposes here in New Zealand, such as the Cartier Trust that provides funerals from those who have passed from HIV/AIDS.” Duncan also highlights the prevention aspect to donating and says “Donating to grieved loved ones can help ease there suffering, however may not achieve as much in the longer term as donating to activities that work to raise awareness of, and provide treatment, for issues such as the internalised homophobia many people can experience.” He says he would alway encourage people to donate to a registered charity, whether donating here or overseas as there is much clearer accountability and reporting lines than with donating to an individual. In the aftermath of an event such as this, Matthews says it is important we support our LGBTI youth “I think, for many youth, this will be reinforcing the messages they hear every day. “Thats so gay” used as a derogatory comment,” he says. “A huge amount of work is required to swim against this tide of negative messages young people are experiencing, and provide alternative positive messages and experiences, allowing them to be proud and fully develop their identities, to be happy successful members of society.” His thoughts are echoed by Besley who says “The impact events like this have on our community, and especially our young people, is huge. It reinforces ideas that our identities are wrong and that we should live in fear. I dread to think of the comments some young people may be hearing in their homes from unsupportive families when this comes on the news. Or those who aren't yet out, or live in rural areas and don't have the opportunity to grieve this amongst a community. It makes it so important for our youth organisations to be visible and resources to be able to provide support and see things change.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 15th June 2016 - 2:40pm