Former Silver Fern and Black Fern, Louisa Wall says that gender equality in sport is a necessary component of eliminating homophobia, particularly in rugby. Image source: Getty Images. Her comments come as the the top sporting bodies of New Zealand, led by New Zealand Rugby, announce they are coming together to encourage diversity and inclusion across all sports, including addressing homophobia. “Homophobia in rugby is real and was highlighted in the largest international survey into homophobia in sport ‘Out on the Fields’ published in 2015,” says Wall. “This report stated homophobia was more prevalent in sport than the rest of society. It also revealed that 85% of those questioned believed openly gay spectators would not be safe in the stands at a sporting event and that NZ Rugby as a sporting leader were critical to addressing these issues.” Louisa Wall as a Black Fern at the Women's Rugby World Cup 1998, Netherlands. Photo: PHOTOSPORT Wall came out during her time as a Black Fern and began a relationship with a woman. She says “this was open and transparent at club, provincial and national levels.” She says there remains a masculine connotation of sport and this is being challenged by enhanced female participation as players, administrators and governors. “This highlights that achieving gender equality in sport will compliment any strategy to addressing issues of homophobia and discrimination in sport and so is a necessary component of eliminating homophobia in sport and particularly in rugby.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 10th June 2016 - 1:05pm