An anti-gay bomb threat to the ZMFM radio network forced the evacuation of their Wellington studios on Monday. The threat came as the network launched its My Bent Friends' Wedding promotion which invites gay couples throughout the country to register, with a couple being selected to travel overseas for a wedding ceremony in a country which allows gay marriage. ZM promotions manager Mike Lane says the building housing the studios was cleared for three hours but no bomb was found. He says the threat was one of a number of “really ugly” hate letters received by the station, including comments such as “gay lovers, ass fuckers” and Christian-based accusations that ZM is doing the devil's work. But, Lane says, positive letters commending the promotion were in the majority of mail received, “about 90% were congratulatory and supportive.” He believes the promotion will benefit gay visibility, with ZM listeners gaining an insight into the reality of gay people and lifestyles. Over 200 couples have registered for the competition, the brainchild of ZM breakfast co-host Polly Gillespie, which will draw to a close on 2 April. Most of the couples have indicated Hawaii is their preferred destination.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 12th March 2003 - 12:00pm