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Unreal "Women" of Transphobia

Fri 27 May 2016 In: Comment View at Wayback View at NDHA

Why is Family First emulating bottom-of-the-barrel US Christian Right anti-transgender tactics in its never ending fear-mongering campaign against transgender rights? Case in point: imaginary 'transgender sexual predators.'   As I've noted in previous articles on this subject, there are a range of US medical organisations that uphold the diagnostic category of gender dysphoria, eventual hormone treatment at adolescence, eventual (albeit optional) reassignment surgery (if it can be accessed) and transgender inclusion in educational access, employment, accomodation and service provider anti-discrimination laws. These include the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Association of Family Physicians, US National Association of Social Workers, American Medical Association, American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association. Bob McCoskrie appears to be woefully ignorant of the weight of evidence-based research supporting the legitimacy and clinical validity of gender dysphoria and consequent medical treatment that is behind transgender rights. His usual tactic is to resort to the "American College of Pediatricians," a tiny US Christian Right breakaway group of fundamentalist Protestant and conservative Catholics who appear to think that credentials alone are enough to get them taken seriously without resorting to clinical studies and evidence-based research. Sorry, but medical science doesn't work that way. As for the phantom 'transgender sexual predators,' official statistical measures from law enforcement authorities and regional and national governments in jurisdictions where transgender legislative equality does exist disclose no such thing. Which is probably why McCoskrie's latest derivative, copycat antic is to cite the Daily Signal and relate several cismale individuals who dressed up as women to gain entry to female toilets and changing rooms. There's one problem with this claim, which is this. None of these cited figures arebona fidetranswomen. They're cismale sexual predators who engaged in situational activity to get access to women's toilets and changing rooms. None of them are cited as having the clinical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. And what's more, theDaily Wireis an ideologically slanted US social conservative "news"service. Sorry, Bob. That little ploy won't work either. Can't this man come up with anything original? Not Recommended: Amanda Prestigiacomo: "Five times transgender "men" (sic) abused women and children in bathrooms" Daily Wire: 24.04.2016:http://www. times-transgender-men-abused- women-and-children-amanda- prestigiacomo Wikipedia/Daily Wire: Daily_Wire Craig Young - 27th May 2016    

Credit: Craig Young

First published: Friday, 27th May 2016 - 1:00pm

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