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Pakeha, Aucklanders still dominate HIV epidemic

Tue 24 May 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

Of the confirmed 153 gay and bi men newly-diagnosed with HIV last year well over over a half, 56%, were living in Auckland and almost three quarters, 71%, were of European ethnicity. The year by year total of newly-diagnosed infections amongst gay and bi men continues to rise with an average of three new infections detected every week. 14% of new infections were detected in men living in Wellington and 12% in both the rest of the North Island and the South Island. 8% normally lived overseas. 13% of newly-detected infections were amongst Asian men, 9% of the men were Maori, 5 were Pacific Islanders and 4% were of other ethnicities. Men who have sex with men comprise 68% of all new infections detected last year. By far the majority of the HIV infections diagnosed last year were contracted in New Zealand.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 24th May 2016 - 12:01am

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