The Anglican Church’s working group, set up to look for alternatives to marrying same-sex couples, has had the General Synod reject their proposal that “blessings” be done for same-sex couples who have already married. The two-yearly General Synod met in Napier this week and the working group presented the proposal they had been developing since the last meeting in 2014. Synod delegates rejected the report from the working group on Monday and another group was set up to report back with amendments the following day. This proposal was again rejected and “lies on the table” with the Synod coming back to it after further work in two years time. “Today the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia chose unity over justice,” says Rev Helen Jacobi, Vicar at St Matthew-on-the-City. The proposal delivered on Monday was supported Māori and Polynesian arms of the Church by Christchurch, Wellington and Nelson Pākeha dioceses were opposed. Jacobi says “The Synod has allowed the views of "conservatives" to rule, rather than working for the just inclusion of all faithful people in the life of the church. “In my 24 years as a priest I have always been proud of my church. Today I hang my head in shame. We have chosen rules over love, and doctrine over gospel. We have imperilled the mission of the church. “There were strong voices for change from many parts of the church but not enough. “At St Matthew-in-the-City we will continue to welcome our LGBTI community and assure them of their place in our church and in the heart of God. We will not abandon them and will continue to work for justice. To them today we express our deep sorrow and seek their forgiveness.” The working group argued that same-sex marriages expressed “self-giving love”, faithfulness and physical union and therefore held a number of virtues that “honour each partner and Gold (and thus be called a ‘Holy Union’)” and could be blessed.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 12th May 2016 - 10:24am