Predictably, Family First is once again regurgitating propaganda and mendacities from its fellow Christian Right organisations overseas, although to be fair, they aren't the only ones doing it. In Australia, despite the fact that the Australian federal, state and ACT governments all have trans-inclusive anti-discrimination laws, the right-wing Murdoch press is actively spreading these untruths, courtesy of its columnist Melissa Devine. New Zealand readers will recall that Devine's columns were reprinted in the defunct far right Investigate magazine. Fortunately, however, there are some watchdogs in Australia who called Devine on her misinformation campaign, such as the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Media Watch (27.04.2016). Hardly had Devine published her misinformation in the pages of the Daily Telegraph(27.04.2016), than the watchdog in question noted that she was parroting the propaganda of the American College of Pediatricians, a US Christian Right pressure group of subcultural professionals who broke away from the mainstream American Academy of Pediatricians, which supports transgender rights. As Media Watch notes, the ACP is a tiny pressure group of no more than 60-200 people, while the Academy has over 60,000 members- and it supports transgender rights. Most notably, it opposes discriminatory gender-segregated toilets and changing rooms within anti-transgender "bathroom bills." Still, it's no surprise Devine is parroting this nonsense- the same is also being regurgitated by the Australian Christian Lobby, during an ABC Q