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Canada's only trans clinic target of arson

Mon 9 May 2016 In: International News View at Wayback

Canada’s only gender services specialist clinic has been the target of arson.   The Centre Metropolitan De Chirurgie in Montreal, has had to close its doors after a man burst into the clinic and attempted to set fire to the building before he ran. The clinic is used by the only surgeon in Canada who performs gender reassignment surgery and the only one to accept government health insurance. Smoke and the water from sprinkler systems caused what is estimated to be $700,000 in damages. It is unclear whether or not this is a hate crime as Police say the motive has not yet been determined. Constable Manuel Couture of Montreal police says “I don’t have any information right now to indicate that this was some kind of hate crime, but investigators are aware of that and as soon as they have the slightest suspicion that something could be a hate crime, they transfer it to the Hate Crimes Unit.”    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 9th May 2016 - 4:54pm

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