Tue 29 Mar 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The Governor of Georgia has vetoed the controversial anti-gay HB 757, previously known as the ‘pastor protection act’ legislation that had many Hollywood stars vowing they would boycott the state if it was to pass. Governor Nathan Deal Governor Nathan Deal has rejected the bill, saying "I do not think that we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia.” The bill would have allowed faith based organisations to refuse services to LGBTI people, refuse to employ them or keep them as an employee. It would have also allowed pastors to refuse to perform same-sex marriages if they felt uncomfortable doing so. “Our people work side by side without regard to the colour of our skin, or the religion we adhere to. We are working to make life better for our families and our communities. That is the character of Georgia. I intend to do my part to keep it that way,” Deal said. He said the decision was "about the character of our state and the character of our people. Georgia is a welcoming state; it is full of loving, kind and generous people. "I do not respond very well to insults or to threats. The people of Georgia deserve a leader who will make sound judgments based on solid reasons that are not inflamed by emotion."
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 29th March 2016 - 3:39pm