Tue 8 Mar 2016 In: Our Communities View at Wayback View at NDHA
Today, 31 years ago, the Homosexual Law Reform Bill was introduced in Parliament, the first reading that paved the way for some of the freedom the LGBTI community now has. Ruth Dyson, Fran Wilde and Trevor Mallard. (Photo: David Hindley) To mark the occasion, pridenz.com has a special clip of audio from the first reading of the Bill in Parliament that features the initial reactions by MPs, including the fierce opponent, National Party politician, Norman Jones. Notable speakers include Fran Wilde, Helen Clarke and Winston Peters among a vast lineup. The anniversary of homosexual law reform is currently being celebrated in Wellington alongside the first ever Wellington Pride Festival | | Tū whakahīhī e Te Whanganui-ā-Tara and a picnic on the lawns of Parliament will be a chance for those in the capital to gather tomorrow to mark the occasion. The picnic, which was postponed today due to weather, will be held tomorrow from 12pm -2pm. Audio is courtesy of the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand. Take a listen here. - 8th March 2016