Wellington artist Sian Torrington is hosting an evening to talk about sex and sexuality in creative, sex and body positive ways. Torrington says; “Homosexual Law Reform was about changing the law around sex for men. “Many queer people of diverse identities protested and came together to work for that social change. The ways that I have sex have never been legislated against, but patriarchy did an effective job of controlling and silencing my sexuality.” The space is open for anyone who identifies as lesbian, bisexual, is queer female identified, trans*, mana wahine, takataapui, or asexual and the event will be held at the Thistle Hall Gallery on Wellington’s Cuba Street. “We will talk, draw, and move together,” says Torrington. “I am an artist, and uninterested in interrogation. My life theme is expression, and that’s what I want to do in this space. You will not be questioned about your self identification. You will not need to explain why you are here.” The event is part of a wider project ‘We don't have to be the Building’ focusing on art and writing on gender, queer sexuality and embodied research. To express your interest in attending, email siantorrington@gmail.com Lets Talk About Sex Wednesday 2 March, 7.30 - 9pm Thistle Hall Gallery, Wellington
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 1st March 2016 - 10:34pm