No Pride in Prisons is hosting a ‘Fuck Pride Forum’ this coming Saturday to openly discuss the problems the group wishes to address within the LGBTI community and wider society. Following the group’s protest during the Auckland Pride Parade, the forum has been created to keep this dialogue going. Open to everyone, the forum will host a number of speakers who will talk on topics such as “the corporatisation and institutional cooption of Pride, actions taken by No Pride in Prisons, trans experiences of incarceration in Aotearoa, and prison abolitionist demands.” Following the talks, the floor will be open wider discussion amongst attendees. Emmy Rākete of No Pride in Prisons says the event is open to anyone who wishes to attend, “We're looking forward to the opportunity to korero about our community's role, as queers, in ending state violence against marginalised people.” ‘Fuck Pride Forum’ Saturday 27 February, 7pm Auckland Old Folks Association, Auckland
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 25th February 2016 - 3:33pm