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Wellington flatmates wanted 'safety and comfort'

Wed 27 Jan 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

The group of Wellington flatmates, who have found themselves in a media storm after their Trademe advert searching for a “non heterosexual” flatmate went viral, have explained they were tryingto create a safe home environment for themselves. ***image1**In a statement to Daily News through intermediary group Gender-Minorities Aotearoa, the flatmates, who wish to remain anonymous, say,“The Transgender Inquiry Report by the Human Rights Commission shows that trans people are disadvantaged in every area of society - in education, employment, health care, and housing. Areas that affect our lives every single day. “We are constantly made to argue for our right to exist as we are, and to justify ourselves not only to doctors, teachers, employers, and figures of authority; but also to the people who we live our lives alongside. This often includes our families, partners, and flatmates. There are so few places in society where we are safe from the microscope of public opinion. Our TradeMe ad becoming international news is a perfect example. They say, ''Trans people are routinely denied housing due to transphobia. Heterosexual cisgender people are not. By keeping our home heterosexual- and cis-free we are not hurting heterosexual and cis people's chances of finding housing. This is a fundamental difference between discrimination which harms a disadvantaged group and discrimination which protects a disadvantaged group. “We are simply exercising the same right which cisgender people take for granted - the right to be safe and comfortable in our own homes.” Gender Minorities Aotearoa supports transgender people in exercising their human right to access appropriate housing. Organisations interested in providing safe housing can contact them at    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 27th January 2016 - 8:38am

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