Sun 24 Jan 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Nintendo has confirmed it will be not removing a plot line from a Japanese version of a new game that allows the player to spike a lesbian character’s drink with a ‘magic potion’ drug. The new game Fire Emblem: Fates allows players to form romantic relationships between their own character and another character of any sex, however the Japanese version of the game features an option allowing players to drug a lesbian character to take advantage of her. In the game, if a player’s character is male, there is an option available that will drug a lesbian character to take advantage of her. The male character is now seen as female in the eyes of the lesbian character who is said to become distracted and flustered around other women. The potion eventually leads to the lesbian character falling in love with the male character and proposing to him. Nintendo will be removing this plot line from UK and US releases however won’t be removing it from the Japanese release.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 24th January 2016 - 3:33pm