InsideOUT have teamed up with local LGBTI youth organisations in Wellington to host a free pre-Proud Conference youth hui this February. The hui will be a safe opportunity for those who may not be able to make it to the ILGA Oceania Rainbow Human Rights and Health Conference due to school or other commitments, to have their voices heard on issues affecting youth in our communities. “It is a way of ensuring that young people’s opinions and concerns are put forward at the conference,” say organisers. “We will be facilitating a workshop and discussions on issues surrounding health care, support, culture, media and school, what challenges young people face in society and what is already being done well for queer and trans youth.” Recognising that no everyone can express themselves best verbally, the hui will give people the chance to express their views in other ways, such as drawing, photography or writing. Pre-conference youth hui Sunday 7 February, 11am - late afternoon Evolve Youth Service / Wellington FREE
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 23rd January 2016 - 2:25pm