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Aus refuses to reconise marriage after man dies

Thu 21 Jan 2016 In: International News View at Wayback

Australia is refusing to recognise the marriage of a British man who’s husband died during their honeymoon in the country. David and Marco Bulmer-Rizzi on honeymoon in Australia, one day before David's death South Australian officials say they will be recording the man’s marriage status on his death certificate as ‘never married’ as Australia has not yet legalised same-sex marriage and overseas same-sex marriages are not recognised in South Australia. Marco Bulmer-Rizzi died over the weekend after falling down stairs at a friends home in South Australia. His husband David Bulmer-Rizzi is now appealing to the UK government to intervene. Australia does not recognise Bulmer-Rizzi as the next of kin and all funeral arrangements were passed over to his late husband’s father, who flew to Australia following his son’s death. South Australia was the first state in the country to decriminalise homosexual acts in the 1970s.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 21st January 2016 - 8:40am

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