Anika Moa has proposed to her partner, journalist Natasha Utting. Confirming their engagement in Woman’s Day magazine, Moa says she proposed "on the couch in my favourite, black, lucky undies with the holes in them”. She says Utting was in her dressing gown with son Soren and she got down on one knee to pop the question. After her marriage with performer Azaria Universe ended in 2013, Moa says she was nervous about the proposal, which she initially had planned for the morning of Utting’s 40th birthday. "I was trying to protect myself,” she says. “It’s hard thinking about having a failed marriage. I hate losing and I felt that I had lost. I don't wanna lose again ... I want to make sure that we are going to be together for a long, long time.” The couple met in 2013 through mutual friends.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 18th December 2015 - 3:48pm