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Fran Wilde retires from local politics

Mon 14 Dec 2015 In: New Zealand Daily News

LGBTI equality campaigner and sponsor of the Homosexual Law Reform Act Fran Wilde, is leaving local politics to take up a job determining the pay rate for MPs and judges. Stepping down from her role at the Greater Wellington Regional Council, Wilde will become the head of the Remuneration Authority. In June, Wilde resigned from her position as regional council chair in the midst of the super-city debate and continued on in her role as a councillor however she was soon presented with a letter of no confidence from nine fellow councillors. Citing a conflict in interest between her current position as a councillor and her new Remuneration’s Authority role, Wilde will be leaving the regional council ahead of the 2016 election. "I ran for office at the last election because I was committed to gaining a more effective form of local government in our region," she said. "A form where local decisions could be truly made by communities and big, expensive projects would be delivered regionally. "However, now that we are back to considering less effective solutions, this term on council would definitely have been my last.”    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 14th December 2015 - 11:19am

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