Advocates have called on the federal government of Australia to eliminate the patchwork of recognition for overseas same-sex marriages by recognising them nationally. The call comes after Victoria joined Tasmania, NSW and Queensland in giving automatic recognition to overseas same-sex marriages as civil partnerships in state law. Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Crome, says, “With 80% of Australians now living in states that recognise overseas same-sex marriages it's time for the federal government to provide recognition across the country." "The failure of national law to recognise overseas same-sex marriages demeans the solemn vows of lifelong commitment Australian couples have made overseas and insults the countries under whose laws they have married." "I congratulate Victoria for this important initiative and call on the federal government to act as soon as possible."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 14th December 2015 - 9:15am