Sexual health workers in New Zealand are warning sexually active kiwi gay men to be careful in Sydney during the Gay Games. Auckland sexual health nurse Kim Scholey says gay men should remember that condoms do not provide protection from all sexually transmitted diseases. “For example, syphilis is very prevalent in Sydney at the moment, and is spread by skin to skin contact,” he says. Scholey says contact with infected genitals, arse or mouth can pass on the disease which has a three month incubation period before it is evident or shows up in STD tests. Symptoms of syphilis include sores or lesions. Scholey says a strain of gonorrhea which is resistant to standard treatments is also doing the rounds in Sydney. The NZ AIDS Foundation is hoping gay men will maintain their commitment to safe HIV-free sex during the excitement of the gay games, reiterating their advice to always wear a condom for fucking. Scholey recommends gay men having sex in Sydney have an sexual health check-up two weeks after returning home.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 30th October 2002 - 12:00pm