No Pride in Prisons organiser, Emmy Rākete, says the controversial Christmas billboard featuring trans woman Caitlyn Jenner, is reflective of “the kind of cheap, puerile, teenage-boy humour trans women have to deal with constantly.” “While it's gross and upsetting to have to see, it's just an expression of the complete disregard for our lives which is normal in our society,” she says. Rākete says that the energy people have put in to this particular situation is a valuable resource that could be used for greater change. “There are around 15 trans women being kept in men's prisons right now, and we need to be just as passionate about defending their wellbeing. “Things like this billboard are bad, but they're just symptoms of broader transmisogynist violence.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 3rd December 2015 - 12:16pm