Over 100 social media accounts will post, tweet, and share the same hashtag, #transsolidarity, this morning in an attempt to draw attention to the issues faced by trans prisoners. The 'thunderclap' as it's called is being organised by an international committee of transgender people and allies, and is led by trans prisoners. The grassroots project was initiated by Marius Mason, a trans prisoner in Texas and is a chance for trans prisoners to have a voice and organise together. It is also an opportunity for the general public to remember those behind bars, show solidarity and support and raise awareness about issues facing trans prisoners. "As queers we know the terror of scrutiny, disgust and isolation; we have all be denied the ability to live our lives," the movement's spokesperson said. "For trans people in prison, those problems are doubled by the physical and emotional restraints of a literal cage." New Zealand facilities are said to currently house 20 trans prisoners, according to Corrections' Deputy National Commissioner Rachel Leota. Supporters of the movement can still add their name and social media accounts to the Thunderclap, happening at 11am on this morning in New Zealand, by going to https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/34988-trans-prisoner-solidarity?locale=en. The international day of solidarity with transgender prisoners takes place on 22 January 2016. More info on the International Day of Solidarity is available at transprisoners.net
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 28th November 2015 - 1:25pm