The ANZ Bank's colourful GayTMs are set to make a come-back in Auckland and Wellington to mark the Out in the Square and Auckland Pride Festival events. Two glamorous Wellingtonians prepare to use the Willis Street GayTM last year The machines will return to downtown Wellington and Ponsonby, Auckland, highlighting that the ANZ has for a number of years sponsored glbti events in New Zealand and Australia, notably the huge Sydney Gay Mardi Gras. Announcing the sequinned machines' return today ANZ's Chief Financial Officer Antonia Watson, who is chair of the bank's Pride group, noted that the transaction fee generated by the two machines last year were donated to the national glbti counseling and support organisation Outline. CFO Watson was a little taken aback to realise she was unsure of the amount of the donation. The Ponsonby GayTM was one of the ANZ facilities, along with the Ponsonby Police Station which were splattered with pink paint last year by a group protesting at what they feel is the 'pinkwashing' of corporate entities by associating themselves with glbti causes. "I think it's important that we support our glbti staff and the wider glbti community," Watson told Daily News. "Discussion is part of diversity."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 15th November 2015 - 8:27pm