Amid an ongoing battle between its board and a group of dissatisfied members, Body Positive has lost a board member who has resigned due to dissatisfaction with the way the organisation is being governed. Picton man Damien Moore, who has for years worked formally and informally in the HIV/AIDS sector, says he became highly dissatisfied with the way the board is being run and that he didn't feel his voice was being heard by the chair and executive director. He believes he can now do more good for Body Positive by lobbying from outside the board rather than being a part of it. Moore feels the recent decision to close the Wellington office was made too hastily, effectively "cutting it off at the ankles and that was the end of the story." He believes there should have been more evaluation done of alternative and less costly ways of providing services in a physical location. "It was all done too fast. We discussed looking at the Wellington services at a board meeting, to review it, and the next thing I knew, within days, we were getting emails from a woman who had been engaged to assist in terminating the employment contract" of the sole employee at the office. Moore says he was asked by the board chair in late August to resign "because I was asking too many questions" and was told if he didn't resign the chair would approach other board members with a view to "getting me taken off the board." A group of BP members, with which Moore says he is not involved, has been calling for the chair to resign, claiming he experts undue influence over the governance and running of the organisation. Moore says he is not the only dissatisfied board member "but others won't stand up to his face like I have. They said in public that the board is totally behind him, but there are board members who have abstained from voting or have questioned him." Moore says while he is in favour of Body Positive reaching out to as many members as possible instead of just concentrating on 'high needs' people, he also has reservations about whether there are enough people willing and able to be involved in the new peer-led national support system being introduced. "Most of these people will have jobs and other things in their lives and won't have the time to take these people to WINZ or specialists' appointments." Moore says he will continue to take an interest in Body Positive and to be the convenor of a Positive Kiwi group for HIV-positive people on Facebook. Over three quarters of those living with HIV in New Zealand are gay or bisexual men. Daily news approached the chair of Body Positive for comment but has been advised by him that due to the proximity of a Special General Meeting the board is not intending to make any comment at this time. The SGM has been called after a group of members petitioned for a vote of no confidence in the board.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 13th November 2015 - 9:33am