An Australian study has found trans people are often living in fear of aged care services, leading to the development of an evidence-based guide to inclusive care. The study, which is the first of its kind, aimed to understand the experiences of trans people in order to assess their aged care needs. Conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University and in partnership with FTM Shed, Transgender Victoria and The Gender Centre NSW, the study collected information from 15 older trans people and six service providers. Service providers were found to have limited knowledge of the needs of older trans people and were often seen to be prejudiced against trans people. Specific area’s of concern were a lack of knowledge of the long term effects of hormone use and focusing on the gender identity of a person at irrelevant times. One trans woman who was interviewed told researchers that if she was unable to find an aged care provider who would allow her to live as a woman she would commit suicide “without hesitation”. The study has recommended that trans people make advance care plans to document their health needs and preferences to allow them not only to educate providers but to allow providers to advocate on their behalf. Trans Ageing and Aged Care: An Evidence-based Guide to Inclusive Services will be released this month and will include narrative resources for aged care providers.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 6th November 2015 - 2:20pm