A new kiwi comedy web series featuring the story of a single lesbian in her 20’s launches this Thursday. Co-written by Emmett Skilton and Jess Sayer Auckward Love is a new comedy web series that shines a light on what it’s like to be a single 20-something- female in today’s dating game - complete with the trials and tribulations, the fun times and hard, and of course the highs, and the ridiculously ridiculous lows. Sayer, who plays a lesbian character in the series, has won the Playmarket b425 award three times, has been shortlisted for the Adam NZ award twice and founded the Junket Theatre company in 2012. The web series is out this Thursday, check our the Youtube channel to get stuck in to all of the episodes.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 1st November 2015 - 1:56pm