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SF health authorities and NZAF warn against spermicide

Mon 23 Sep 2002 In: New Zealand Daily News

San Francisco is considering a ban on personal lubricants containing the spermicide Nonoxynol-9. US health studies have shown that nonoxynol-9 makes it easier to be infected with HIV because it irritates genital muscosal tissues. Other studies have shown that the spermicide does not help prevent other STDs such as gonorrhea. In New Zealand the NZ AIDS Foundation says it recommends that people “not use condoms or lube with Nonoxynol-9,” though it ads that even these are better than none at all. "None of the more common lubes we use in New Zealand, such as Glide, Wetstuff, or Topgel contain N9, neither do the condoms we suggest for men who have sex with men: says a Foundation spokesman. As a general rule brands which use terms suck as "extra safe” refer to the fact that they contain Nonoxynol-9, and the reference to 'extra safe' relates to pregnancy rather than HIV or STD prevention. The Foundation advises men who have sex with men to "read the small print on the back of the boxes."    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Monday, 23rd September 2002 - 12:00pm

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