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Robertson regrets part in transphobic ‘joke’

Tue 13 Oct 2015 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA

Gay Labour MP Grant Robertson has come under fire for his response to a transphobic ‘joke’ made when he appeared as a panelist on the television programme 7 Days. During the segment comedian Joel Creasey asked; “Do you think I look a bit like Ellen Degeneres?” to which Robertson replied; “A cross between Ellen Degeneres and Caitlyn Jenner.” A third panelist then asked; “What part?” before someone answered “the dick” and Robertson is seen laughing. Robertson’s involvement in the ‘joke’ has upset many who say that as a senior member of the Labour Party his actions were inappropriate and disrespectful. Robertson says he completely accepts that the comment made by the panelist will have upset people and says he “did not properly register what he had said” as he was faced away and talking as the comment was made. “My comment was not meant to be in any way disparaging about Caitlyn Jenner. It was however a pretty lame response in a fast paced segment. I agree that the comment made by the panelist was offensive.” “… I regret that my action appeared to show that I thought it was funny. I don’t.”    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 13th October 2015 - 9:45am

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