Tue 15 Sep 2015 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The stridently anti marriage equality Tony Abbott has been rolled by as Australia’s Prime Minister by Malcolm Turnbull, who has expressed support for same-sex marriage in the past. Turnbull has won the leadership of the Liberal Party overnight in a vote of 54 to 44. Samesame.com.au’s Matt Akersten says early indications suggest Turnbull may not have marriage equality on his immediate agenda and is likely to stick with the plebiscite plan on the issue. “Despite this, we can understand why many queer Australians may be celebrating his action today to replace the persistently unpopular former Prime Minister Tony Abbott. “While previous Prime Ministerial spills were a surprise in the Labor Party, Turnbull’s triumph today comes as a relief to so many of us who are tired of Australia being on the wrong side of history, and have been embarrassed by how our leader makes us look internationally.” Advocates and campaigners for the rights of the lgbti communities will now seek urgent meetings with Turnbull.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 15th September 2015 - 8:27am