Tue 8 Sep 2015 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Lynda Whitehead The President of Agender’s resignation has not been accepted, and she says it's untrue that some members of the transgender advocacy organisation want it to embrace kink and fetish. Lynda Whitehead offered her resignation after being criticised over a Facebook picture she commented on three years ago of someone in a maid’s outfit. She says some of the statements made about the whole situation are quite misleading. “This original issue was born out of a silly remark made by an associate of Agender when we were organising an afternoon 'coffee get together' recently in Christchurch,” she says. “Her comment about 'a kinky afternoon' was meant to be taken in jest; instead it was immediately pounced on and used to fuel a debate regarding Agender's moral position. Actually the afternoon was far from 'kinky' with a few friends meeting for coffee and a chat in a very well-known and public café, the insinuation that we met for some sort of fetish/kinky encounter would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.” Whitehead says a risqué photo was then posted on Facebook that had originally been posted by a friend three years ago, and long before she became President of Agender. “I find it quite remarkable that someone would have the time and energy to troll through a friend of mine’s timeline in the hope of dredging up some dirt on me. Anyway their persistence paid off it would seem as I was seen to endorse the image and was therefore guilty by association. I have since deleted my comment.” Whitehead says her good name and reputation is all important to her, and she felt that the smear on her character would only taint the office of President. “And therefore I offered my resignation to the committee, which, at this stage has not been accepted.” She continues, “Agender has a few detractors and it seems that they will go to any lengths to discredit the organisation and me.” Whitehead says it’s untrue that some Agender members want it to embrace and support kink and fetish. “This statement is designed only to create mischief and misunderstanding to undermine the organisation.” She says claims there is a group of crossdressers in Christchurch pushing for that are also misleading. “I don’t know who they are and have never come across them. It's true that Agender membership is made up of a diverse range of people, but that is because we accept support from all who are willing to give it,” Whitehead says. “The events of the past few days have been cleverly manipulated and the truth bent somewhat to support the negative opinion of people who have no love for Agender and have no interest in its success or that of mine either. “I loved my work as President and was grateful for the opportunity that I had been given to help others and make a difference.” Whitehead says the renaissance of Agender is ongoing and the mistakes of the past have been learned. “A new direction now lies ahead and Agender will continue to grow, to change and to adapt. I am sure that Agender will be around for many years to come, helping, supporting and advocating for all the Transgender community.” Whitehead does not wish to make any further comment on the issue.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 8th September 2015 - 9:18am