Tue 1 Sep 2015 In: Our Communities View at Wayback View at NDHA
A light snowfall up top of The Remarkables Time for a post-Cardrona 4WD-wash! TUES 12.30PM: Even colder now, 'see your breath' cold in town with light skiffs of snow passing over Coronet Peak and The Remarkables. Brrrrr. Want to take the 4WD to the carwash but not keen on going outside. Typical Auckland wuss. One of the views from the Cardrona field TUES 10.30AM: Damned cold and overcast here today. Great end to the day up at Cardrona yesterday, clouds lifted as the afternoon progressed and snow got softer which resulted in perfect skiing. Great views too. Aaron's ski lessons were really thorough and his skills have gone up a notch. By middle of the day he wasn't falling over any more! Quiet trip back to Q'town in the mud-caked 4WD, winding down the Crown Range road with skiboy out to it in the passenger seat. This morning his aches and pains have gone. Breakfasting with Ribena this morning, she swears her absence yesterday was work-related. No one believes her. Quiz night guys (Aaron of A.R Photography pic) Her favourite moment last night at the Durex Queer Quiz night was the reaction to her drawing a penis on a sheet of paper and offering prizes to anyone who convincingly claimed he was better hung than the drawing. Ribald fun all round and the lesbians present seemed to be on to it even more than the gay men. Is that lesbo-PC? Who cares. Pics will go up in our Scene Pics section later today. Wellington - with Sue and Jamie and co - won, showing good general knowledge. Questions included identifying 'Dragulatored' celebrities, identifying animals, etc. Little Miss Cinnamon looked especially lovely. MON Noon: Aaron's come down for a quick break. Munching into a sandwich as he rants on about the great time he's having. Apart from the cloud it's amazing ski weather, he says. There's little to no wind, and although the slopes are a bit icy that's making it "more fun." Somehow he missed the Aussies but he's hooked up with an Auckland friend, Grayson. Aaron's a mid-level skier, last time he skied seriously was 6yrs ago, but he had top-up lessons two weeks ago. "I pushed myself today, even started doing jumps... can't wait to finish lunch and get back up there Grayson, a more advanced skier, hasn't taken a break, he's taking another lesson then he'll be back up top. Sian and Pat, two Aussies "from the outback" are having a ball. It's their first time in NZ, their usual haunt is Thredbo in the Snowy Mountains "but there's no comparison with this." MON 10.15AM: It's mid morning and we've established the GayNZ.com mobile newsroom in the cafe of the Cardrona Ski Field, about an hour and a half from Queenstown. The past few days have been fine and warm, today is chillier and overcast (compare yesterday's morning photo here). The road up to Cardrona We headed over the Crown Range easily then up the Cardrona Skifield road which is slow and steep and winding, gravel all the way and badly in need of a grader on the lower reaches. But up at the field when the clouds part from time to time it's a beautiful scene, but even clouded-in the sight as you round the corner to the main building of the rainbow Gay Ski Week QT flags fluttering against a background of snowy slopes, chairlifts and the most amazing snowboarding area is heartwarming. Photographer Aaron has already headed uphill to meet up with some Aussies he's become mates with over the past couple of days. He's carving up the slopes already and will report in from time to time. Thanks Browns Ski Hire in Queenstown for kitting him out at mate's rates! There's a good firm base and a bit of light powder from a gentle overnight snowfall so everyone seems happy. As for me, well I did the driving so far so it's my job to type away in the warmth and hustle and bustle of the cafe, fortified by a strong, very strong, flat white. Several of the folks who were due to come up with us piked out this morning, the wild Foam Party last night is perhaps taking its toll. Miss Ribena's excuse that she needs to sort out questions for a quiz night tonight may or may not be credible. Jay Bennie - 1st September 2015