Trans woman Jade Follett made a written request to be moved to a women's prison two months ago, but it was not processed when a Corrections staff member went on leave. Corrections Minister Sam Lotu-Iiga says his officials are looking into how the process broke down In a letter to Green MP Jan Logie, Corrections Minister Sam Lotu-Iiga has confirmed that the Department of Corrections received a transfer request from Follett on 29 June. “Both my officials and I read with concern that an earlier application had been made by Jade. Their enquiries with Jade have concluded that she handed a written request for consideration to be transferred to a women's facility on 29 June 2015 to a Corrections Officer,” the Minister states. “This was in turn given to a Principal Corrections Officer who subsequently went on leave. I have been advised by my Corrections Officials that this letter does not appear to have been forwarded to prison management for processing.” Corrections initially stated it had only received her transfer request this past weekend. Follett has today been moved to a women's prison. It comes after the group No Pride in Prisons drew media attention to the situation yesterday, and started a hunger strike to support Follett today. Spokeswoman for the group Jennifer Katherine Shields says the revelations from the Minister demonstrate incompetence in Corrections. “Jade was allowed to remain in an unsafe situation for two months longer than necessary because the Department is failing to secure the safety of its prisoners,” Shields says. The Corrections Minister says Prison Director Chris Burns will apologise to Follett, and his own officials are looking into how the process broke down. “I expect them to implement some changes to strengthen the process as a result.” Lotu-Iiga says he takes prisoner safety very seriously and “the Government is very aware and sympathetic particular needs of transgender prisoners and their placement and safety”. He says staff have regularly liaised with Follett since her arrival in prison about any health and safety concerns. “I can assure you that decisions made regarding Jade's placement have been done with her wellbeing and safety being of paramount concern.” No Pride in Prisons will hold a public forum next Friday 4 Septemberat Auckland University where it says it will discuss “the implications of Follett's treatment in the context of broader institutional failings by the Department of Corrections”, and develop a plan for further action.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 27th August 2015 - 8:59pm