Kim Davis is refusing to issue any marriage licences The first case is being heard against a group of homophobic US county clerks who are refusing to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples, based on their personal beliefs. The American Civil Liberties is taking action against Kim Davis from Rowan County in Kentucky, who is trying to ignore the US Supreme Court’s ruling in favour of nationwide marriage equality. She says her "deep religious convictions" prevent her from complying with the Supreme Court's decision, and she has decided to issue no more marriage licences - to any couple. “I can’t put my name on a marriage licence as issued to a same sex couple. God is my first love, and I will stand for Him. And if it means I get thrown out of office, we’ll deal with that when it comes,” she has told local media. A local TV station has reported Davis has herself been married four times, something it says it backed up by her marriage certificate. Protestors outside her office have held up signs and chanted “do your job”. The American Civil Liberties Union will argue Davis’ refusal is unconstitutional, and seek an injunction ordering her to begin issuing licences. Lawyer Landenwich says Davis has the absolute right to believe whatever she wants about God, faith, and religion, “but as a government official who swore an oath to uphold the law, she cannot pick and choose who she is going to serve, or which duties her office will perform based on her religious beliefs.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 14th July 2015 - 8:50am