The US wing of the Anglican Communion has voted to allow religious weddings for same-sex couples. The Episcopalian Church voted to change in by an overwhelming margin. "Rapid changes in civil law concerning marriage in the United States, along with the responses received as part of the SCLM [Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music] church-wide consultation process, indicate a need for equivalent proper liturgies in jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is legal," the Church says. "Further, the SCLM consultation process indicated a pastoral need for equivalent marriage rites that could be used by any couple." The new rule eliminates gender-specific language from church laws on marriage, for example referring to ‘the couple’ rather than husband and wife. Clergy can still decline to perform same-sex ceremonies. In New Zealand, the Anglican Church does not marry same-sex couples. However it has agreed to look how blessing same-sex relationships can be part of church life.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 2nd July 2015 - 4:14pm