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Auckland Pride: your feedback

Thu 25 Jun 2015 In: Our Communities View at Wayback View at NDHA

We asked the community to have its say about what it would like to see from future Auckland Pride Festivals. Here are some of your comments. You can have a look at our features on the governance of Auckland Pride Festival here: Auckland Pride Pt1: In the beginning... Auckland Pride Pt2: Things go awry... Auckland Pride pt3: Tragic and heartbreaking... Mike says: "I would like to see the festival return to a "1-week" timeline. This is due to the lack of quality content that was available which was spread out over the two weeks. It seemed to favor smaller clubs and organisations that were attempting to clip as many tickets as they could while spreading the community thinly across the events. A good example is how the pride parade and pride party was separated by an entire week. I also think that the Pride Party this year was a fail regardless of this timeline separation. The advertising for the event was late and not widespread. The chosen theme and marketing material was not well developed. The layout of the venue and availability to the various areas was poor and in no way comparable to the previous year. The entertainment was odd and often seemed to represent a minority within a minority group. There seemed to be religious aspects to one of the main performances which is a confusing choice of representation of the gay community. I've spoken to many of my friends who attended the party with me who agree with these conclusions. I see no reason to return to a Pride Party unless these issues are recognized and some kind of assurance is made to improve it for the following year." Sara Day: “More trans visibility and less ‘we are all one community but lesbian and gay people get to be out in front’”     Gav Hyde: “I would like to see the parade move from Ponsonby Rd to Quay Street. Say going from the Ports of Auckland to the Ferry Building. Embracing Britomart transport options and Ferries to get crowds there. Followed by a proper party at the Cloud or nearby.”     Ema Lyon: “Big Gay Out to be more whānau friendly with heaps more for kids to do!” (Note - the NZAF runs the Big Gay Out, but we will pass this feedback on)     Simon Stockley: “Change the party venue. The Victoria Park Mall may have been interesting a few years ago, but not when you’re told by bouncers you can’t take your drink where you want to within the complex. It’s that sort of thing that puts people off going the following year. Can’t they get the Town Hall again? People still reminisce about the 2001 Hero Party that was held there. As for employing a board member into a paid role that wasn’t advertised, what can I say other than it can easily end in bad, and very public news, especially in that the previous year’s profits financed the position. As we saw with Hero, these festivals can easily go into the red. All it takes is bad weather on the wrong day.”     Jonathan Smith, former Pride Parade director: “Treat with some respect those people like Julian Cook and myself who have the skills, knowledge and support from the LGBTT. We were both treated terribly.”     Mika, on the removal of Pride’s commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi: "I'm astonished. I can't believe that after all the decades we have spent fighting for gay rights that they have now excluded another minority. I have been doing things each year for Pride with no regrets, but to find out last night through's reporting that the mana whenua/Waitangi clause has been taken out, I'm more than astonished. The Mika Haka Foundation will not be participating in Pride 2016 if this exclusion is still there."     Emilie Rākete and No Pride In Prisons: “The time has well passed for them to be removed and allow for us to build something new; something better.”         Julian Cook, former Pride Festival director: “A Board that's there to work, not lurk. Management with a proven track record that can be trusted. And a Festival that isn't reliant on the Parade for funding. That's three for starters...”     Stephen Berry, Mayoral candidate: “I want them to replace the grant it gets from Auckland Council with more private sponsorship so it isn't reliant on ratepayer money for its activities.”     Kelly Ellis “Accountability would be a good start!”     Michael Stevens “Knowing who is actually on the board would help too.”         Campbell Gordon “A requirement that corporates who want to join the parade actually do something to help those in our community who are most at risk. Pride should never have become the corporate publicity stunt that it is now.”     Jones Gracey “More trans involvement as well     Betty Bro'ford “Can I take my house truck in the parade?”   It’s not too late to have your say. Comment on our Facebook page or email us at There may also be a community meeting or panel called to discuss the issues which have been raised. We will have more information as this progresses. staff - 25th June 2015    

Credit: staff

First published: Thursday, 25th June 2015 - 9:59am

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