Auckland based writer/editor Lynne Jamneck is interested in establishing a GLBT/Queer writing group with a particular focus on genre writers. "I am open to suggestions of what people would like such a group to be; whether people would want to meet in person as a group for critiques and discussions (e.g., once a month), or whether they would prefer to have the group function as a unit entirely online. Perhaps a combination of these two approaches?” Jamneck says. All ages welcome Particularly geared toward genre writers Critical feedback provided in a discursive and supportive environment Auckland-based, open to all New Zealanders CONTACT: junonite AT gmail DOT com Bio: Lynne Jamneck is a fiction writer and editor. She has been nominated for the Sir Julius Vogel and Lambda Awards and holds an MA in English Literature from Auckland University, New Zealand. Most recently, she has sold fiction to S.T. Joshi's "Black Wings of Cthulhu 5". Along with S.T. Joshi, she edited "Gothic Lovecraft", an anthology of original fiction featuring among others John Shirley, Lynda Rucker and Orrin Grey. She is currently editing "Dreams from the Witch House: Female Voices of Lovecraftian Horror", featuring amongst others fiction by Joyce Carol Oates, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Lois H. Gresh and Gemma Files. staff - 9th June 2015