After a successful fundraiser which will allow a Tasmanian couple to marry in New Zealand, crowdfunding continues to cover the costs of their reception and honeymoon. Picture - Heath Holden. Lee Bransden is terminally ill with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and has been given just weeks to live. She wants to marry her partner Sandra Yates before she dies, but can’t in Australia because it doesn’t have marriage equality. Australian Marriage Equality took up their cause and started a fundraiser for them to marry in New Zealand. In just two days, enough was raised to pay for them to fly from their Tasmanian home to Rotorua to be wed. “Lee and I are just so grateful and humbled by the generosity and kind words of so many people. This has given Lee a real boost,” Yates says. “We have now started to plan what will be the last great adventure of our lives together.” Australian Marriage Equality has set a new target of $15,000 which will cover a reception and honeymoon too. National director Rodney Croome says the organisation wants to turn the injustice of the couple being forced to marry in another country into a beautiful, trans-Tasman celebration of love and commitment. “I know there will be many marriage equality supporters who feel the same.” The local community has also rallied around the couple, with a fundraising event being held in Devonport, Tasmania, where they live. You can make a donation to the couple’s wedding and honeymoon here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 8th May 2015 - 10:38am