Statistics New Zealand is recommending neither sexual orientation nor gender identity be included in the next Census in 2018, but is welcoming feedback on the long-running issue. Groups from across the lgbti community have been calling for both to be included for years, saying data needs to be collected to identify and address significant health disparities for our communities. Statistics New Zealand decided not to include such questions in the last Census in 2013, and the previous one in 2006. In a discussion document about the 2018 Census, it says it has previously received submissions calling for such information to be gathered, identifying a desire to be recognised as well as wider information needs. Formal submissions will open on 18 May, but it has started an online feedback and consultation process. Sexual orientation Statistics New Zealand says independent research it commissioned supports a need for information on sexual orientation, with growing evidence that members of sexual minority populations are disadvantaged across a range of social well-being, health, and economic indicators. However it says the census may not be the best way to do this. “Sexual orientation is multi-faceted in its definition, including elements of behaviour, desire, and identity. It is conceptually difficult to define and measure, particularly given the self-completed nature and limited space of census forms. “We must also consider data quality and intrusiveness. Many respondents may not answer the question, and although census data may produce indicative figures, these may not be accurate enough to be analysed against other variables or published. Our focus group research identified quality issues and concerns about the accuracy of information people are comfortable disclosing. You can have your say here Gender identity Statistics New Zealand says there is also an emerging need and desire to recognise gender equality, although the potential uses of census data on this are not yet clearly established. “Currently there is no standardised approach for collecting and storing gender identity data in New Zealand. Development is well underway on statistical standards and classifications on gender identity. While gender identity is not currently collected in any Statistics NZ source, several organisations collect the information in some form, including the Ministry of Health, Department of Corrections, and the New Zealand Transport Agency.” It cites a 2014 report from the Human Rights Commission highlighting the need for visibility as a means of promoting equality and decreasing the likelihood of discrimination. The Commission argued that insufficient data limits policymakers’ ability to quantify the issues affecting gender identity minority groups and to develop ways to adequately address the health and social needs of these populations. However Statistics New Zealand says whether a standalone question would work on a self-completed form such as the census is not well understood and has not yet been tested. “People may confuse or not understand the difference between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ – which are conceptually different, and not interchangeable.” You can have your say here Intersex Statistics New Zealand does suggest changes could be needed in the sex category which currently only offers the options ‘male’ and ‘female’. It states “some people are born biologically intersex and some people make transitions. Although this group is small, currently they cannot represent their biological sex in this question.” Statistics New Zealand says it recognises the need to further explore and test the implications of collecting information on those who are biologically intersex. “Concerns have been raised around how this would affect the quality and comparability of the sex data from the census. Defining what is meant by biologically intersex may be difficult on a self-completed form with finite space. Another potential issue is that including an intersex category may elicit false responses from some respondents.” It says to date, no any other country has included an intersex option in their national census. You can have your say here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 1st May 2015 - 3:55pm