Anika Moa’s announced an intimate album release show, where instead of taking the stage she will play down on the floor with her audience around her. Moa released her fifth studio album Queen at the Table this month, and has received glowing reviews. On Thursday 28th May The Powerstation in Auckland will host her official, and cosy, album launch show. Tickets will be limited to ensure everyone is comfortable. “I can't wait to play this intimate show for you and I hope you all buy your tickets quickly even if it means you miss out on your weekly smokes or wine,” the musician says. Moa, a lesbian mum who last year welcomed a new baby with partner Natasha Utting, won a Tui Award for her last album, Songs For Bubbas. She’s moved back to music for grown-ups with the synth and electronic infused Queen at the Table. Tickets to The Powerstation show are on sale here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 23rd April 2015 - 2:00pm