Neil Thornton is a comedian from New York City currently living in Wellington with his husband, and making waves on the comedy circuit. He performs all over New Zealand, opening for Urzila Carlson, Mike King, Paul Ego, Jeremy Corbett, Brendan Lovegrove, Ewen Gilmour, Jeremy Elwood, and many others. In the US, Thornton was a regular in New York City comedy clubs, and performed in Washington D.C., Provincetown, Fire Island, and the Poconos. He was the producer of New York's first all-bear comedy revue, "Funny. Furry. Fierce." which he brought to Auckland Pride Festival this year. "If Neil can't make you laugh it's your fault." - Urzila Carlzon You can get tickets to his New Zealand International Comedy Festival show here Check him out in the TV3 comedy special "After Hours” below. staff - 20th April 2015