After almost twenty years of mounting annual glbti film festivals the organisers of Out Takes say they are having to take a break and review the event in the face of lack of ongoing financial resources for the festival. "It takes around $200,000 to run each festival and that comes from sponsorships and box office sales," says Reel Queer Inc board member Gavin Hamilton. "It's a big financial risk and in past years we have been able to factor in that we had accumulated financial reserves from the profits of previous festivals to fall back on if necessary." However, due to the last two festivals not making a profit those reserves have been depleted "and the small debt from Out Takes 2014 is being personally carried by board members," according to Hamilton. Hamilton says it is a shame that there will not be a full festival in what would be it's 20th year, "but we anticipate running some fundraising screenings in the main centres, perhaps in late June." He acknowledges that there may be a generational change regarding film festivals and the accessibility of material on the internet, but he believes there is still value in people coming together to enjoy unique and hard to find glbti-themed films. "If people value the festival we hope they will support our fundraising," he says, acknowledging that it may be time for a format change. "Overseas festivals have had to move away from the full on ten-day format into, for instance, more a compact weekend of screenings and that is one possibility we will be considering." The Out Takes website, which would usually be being updated at this time of the year to carry early festival information, will instead be providing from early next week information about the current state of play and ways in which support and ideas can be conveyed to the board. Hamilton says offers to join the board and help spread the load of running the event will also be considered. "There are five of us on the board and while it's a wonderful event to create those of us who have been on board for years, in my case seventeen years, would welcome new blood and added enthusiasm."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 17th April 2015 - 12:18pm