Feedback on the Gay Auckland Business Association’s Constitutional Review closes today. Among the suggested changes are changing the language in the group’s constitution from “gay business people” to “GLBTI community and supporters”. Business advocacy objectives would also be removed. The draft constitution would also see the size of the GABA executive reduced to six members, who would work alongside the elected officers. GABA Charitable Trust Chair Gresham Bradley has indicated he will ask for the rule where partners on a couples’ membership must share a vote to be changed, saying it was very unfair at the last AGM. GABA members can have their say at – however today is the last day to do so. GABA grants The GABA Charitable Trust gave out $12,600 in community grants at its recent meeting. They were split between the Auckland Women’s Centre, OUTLine, the Charlotte Museum,Legacy Project, a short film by Ben Walton, GALS, Body Positive and the Cartier Trust.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 10th April 2015 - 9:37am