Fri 20 Mar 2015 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Wellington Frontrunners are turning 15 this year, and are reaching out to current and former members to take part in celebrations. Coordinator Antony Paltridge says the group is one of the capital’s oldest gay and lesbian groups. “Wellington Frontrunners was formed in 2000 as local gay and lesbian runners prepared for the Gay Games that were held in Sydney in 2002. “As well as the Gay Games, we’ve competed in the first and second World Outgames in Montreal and Copenhagen and the first Asia-Pacific Outgames in Melbourne. We also organised the running events in the 2011 Asia-Pacific Outgames in Wellington. “Many of our members have won medals at these events and we’ve always enjoyed competing. We’ve also entered teams in local running events, including the Wellington Round the Bays.” Paltridge says Frontrunners combine physical exercise with social contact. “Our regular Sunday morning runs are always followed by brunch in a local café. Going running at 9am on Sunday is a big ask, but it’s a great way to start the day and catch up with friends.” There are more than 100 Frontrunner groups throughout the world, with the first club established more than 50 years ago in San Francisco in 1974. To mark 15 years, the Wellington team is planning a dinner at a capital restaurant on 11 April. Anyone interested in attending is asked to RSVP to by 2 April. It’s also asking people to send photos from their time in Wellington Frontrunners to be compiled into a commemorative booklet.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 20th March 2015 - 10:30am