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Govt helping fund lgbti youth hui

Sat 21 Feb 2015 In: New Zealand Daily News

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced $10,000 in funding for the national InsideOUT Hui. Formerly QSA Network Aotearoa, InsideOUT was rebranded last month. Founded in 2011, the group works to make New Zealand “a safer place for all young people of diverse genders and sexualities to live and be in”, by working with young people, whānau, schools, youth service providers and communities. “Research shows that significant numbers of LGBTI young people are more likely to have been bullied, attempted to hurt themselves or been afraid someone would hurt them,” Nikki Kaye says. She says the gathering will enable people to come together in a supportive environment, to identify ways to make places like schools safer and more inclusive for lgbti young people. “It will also be about developing leadership capability and sharing best practice within the lgbti community.” “I’m pleased to be able to support the hui, which is just one part of broader work being done to enhance the wellbeing of lgbti youth. “Recently I announced a second round of small grants funding for lgbti youth support services, and I’m committed to ensuring that sustainable, longer-term support services are also in place.” Kaye and fellow National MP Maggie Barry will march into tonight's Auckland Pride Parade. The National InsideOUT hui runs from 16-19 April in Wellington.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Saturday, 21st February 2015 - 1:27pm

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